On this day forty-five years ago, I saw my first patient in my new East Brunswick chiropractic office. Over these four and a half decades I have cared for patients aged from womb to tomb. Family members, coworkers, friends, and even pets visited me. I provided care at Ground Zero, was open full-time during the Covid 19 pandemic, and did not let a quadruple bypass stop me. Now that I have reached this milestone today, I cannot help but pause and reflect on my work as a Doctor of Chiropractic.
For me, it has been about the importance of CONNECTION. Disconnect from the things that are good for you, and you are worse for it – eventually–always. Disconnect a flower from the root. What happens? Stop eating healthy food, getting proper rest, thinking thoughts that serve you. Part from your closest friend or loved one. What is the result? See? The opposite is also true.
So, what is the most important connection? It is our body’s connection to the energy that comes from the brain, coordinates all function, and maintains a healthier life. Your ability to heal, move, digest, eliminate, resist infection and disease, and perform at peak capacity mentally and physically are all under its dominion. I have dedicated my life’s work to the essence of Chiropractic care–detecting, locating, and removing the most profound interferences to the proper flow of energy. Restoring this most vital connection.
What is the result? People’s lives blossom in ways that go beyond back pain. They heal faster and more completely. They have better movement, renewed vigor, less sickness, a healthier mindset, and better relationships. They are less reliant on the medical system that treats with dangerous drugs, risky surgeries, and time-consuming therapies. They work better, perform better athletically, and are easier to be around.
What’s different about daddy since he’s been coming to see Dr. Ken?”
He doesn’t hit me anymore!”
Chiropractic care is transformative. I feel blessed to help people realize these types of profound positive changes.
What comes from better connection? JOY! For my patients, their families, friends, and coworkers, and especially, for me. Chiropractic has brought me 45 years of memories that are filled with JOY–JOY for the lives I have touched and for those who have touched mine.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Patients and Community
I humbly thank my patients for placing their precious lives in my hands. I am filled with beautiful memories and gratitude for their trust and appreciation. I thank my staff members over the years for their assistance and for sharing my vision. Thank you to East Brunswick and its surrounding communities for the opportunity to serve in several community, civic, and religious organizations. Thanks to my family for their encouragement and understanding, especially during the times it was necessary to be away from them to fulfill my life’s mission.