If you are a patient of Dr. Ken Freedman, chances are you know what an incredible chiropractor he is. Recently, he was honored by his community for his outstanding service in making East Brunswick township a healthier place. The township council recognized Dr. Freedman for his tireless efforts in providing healthcare services to those in need and his contributions to the area.
Keeping East Brunswick Healthy
Dr. Freedman has been a resident of the township for decades, and his business has been serving the community for just as long. He has not only taken care of his patients and their families but has also given his time to make the community better. Dr. Freedman served on the Advisory Health Council in the township for 30 years, providing the mayor and township council with information on healthcare and health-related concerns.
Dr. Freedman has also contributed to the improvement of the township’s library, which is well-known throughout the state for providing top-quality healthcare information. As a member of the library board, Dr. Freedman worked to ensure that accurate healthcare information was accessible to the public.
In recognition of his outstanding contributions the township council presented Dr. Freedman with a proclamation. The council president noted that Dr. Freedman’s contributions have made the township a better place, and that he has helped to make a difference in the lives of many residents.
Dr. Brad Cohen, the township’s mayor, also spoke at the event, praising Dr. Freedman for his dedication to the community. Dr. Cohen noted that healthcare providers and first responders have a desire to make people’s lives better, and Dr. Freedman’s contributions exemplify that desire.
We Look Forward to Seeing You Soon
We couldn’t be prouder of Dr. Freedman for his accomplishments, and we hope you’ll join us in congratulating him the next time you’re in the practice. Want to catch a recording of the presentation? You can find it here!
Thank you for continuing to trust us with your natural health needs. We look forward to seeing you soon!