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Lose Quarantine Weight Gain With ChiroThin

woman checking weight on scaleAs stay-home orders and social distancing have become our new norm due to COVID-19, many people are feeling stressed. As a result, they’re turning to food for comfort. There are drive-thru dinner dashes and fattening foods being delivered to homes. It’s no surprise that the pandemic has led to packing on the pounds.

Not only is this type of eating bad for your health, but it can wreak havoc on your waistline. That’s particularly the case if you have already put on some extra weight over the winter months. We offer an effective and commonsense approach to weight loss: the Doctor Supervised ChiroThin Weight Loss Program. Since 2010, we have helped hundreds of people lose weight quickly and safely with this program!

Discover the ChiroThin Differences

With so many weight loss programs on the market today, you may wonder how ChiroThin is different. It’s pretty simple: quality, accountability, freedom, results, safety and affordability!

With ChiroThin, you don’t have to commit to an exercise program. You also don’t need to take drugs or hormones or consume prepackaged foods, shakes or bars. The products included in the program are of the highest quality. To check your progress, you will have private weekly visits with Dr. Freedman, either in person or over the phone. He’ll provide you with personalized recommendations and coaching.

Shed Pounds and Inches

While results vary, in only six weeks, our patients usually lose 20-35 pounds and 14 to 20 inches!  ChiroThin is safe and effective for children over 10, and nearly all adults. These include diabetics, people with high blood pressure, and those on medication(s).  After you reach your desired weight we offer easy-to-follow strategies for long-term weight management at no extra charge.

Eat Real Food & Save Money

With ChiroThin, you can enjoy the freedom to choose real food you buy at the grocery store. You just need to prepare your meals within the program’s portion-controlled dietary guidelines. When followed as directed, ChiroThin Weight Loss Program patients achieve better results in a fraction of the time—and at a fraction of the cost–of other nationally advertised weight loss programs.

The meals you make in the ChiroThin Program are delicious and easy to prepare.

Once the dining out restrictions are lifted, you can easily eat out within the ChiroThin Program’s guidelines.

Experience More Than Weight Loss

In addition to losing weight, many people on ChiroThin saw an improvement in the following conditions during the six-week program:

  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia

It’s important to note that the ChiroThin program is not a treatment for medical conditions. However, conditions that are influenced by excess weight or inflammatory foods respond better when the body has reduced excess weight and the person eats meals that don’t contain inflammatory foods.

Take That First Step Today

Discover whether the Doctor Supervised ChiroThin Weight Loss Program is right for you at no charge or obligation. Call 732-254-6011 for a private consultation. You also can get more information by going to or

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